Back to Basics!
I’m back from the trip to Kentucky and caring for grandchildren. Of course, I had a mountain of work to do at work when I returned and I mainly spend “organizational time” for my homework and math class. I’ve laid out what I still need to do between now and the exam and will try to stick to that schedule.
To say my schedule for the next 2, 3, or 5 weeks is crazy would be an understatement. I have class and exams. My boss is coming into town for several events which means I’m on his schedule and that conflicts with my exam time. I’ll be discussing that with my professor Tuesday, so wish me luck. Then, my husband is closing his office in mid May or and I’m having knee surgery after all of this!
But let’s get back to identifying lines. That’s really what this semester is about. Is this data distinct from zero and what does it mean. If I can focus on all of that–that simple premise, I will be okay. I really will be okay. I don’t have classes this summer. Most of my colleagues go to conferences and write papers, but my life is a political science conference so I don’t need to attend—yet. This fall I’m taking Carson and Madonna and I can’t wait. Out of the abyss of math classes and back into substantive classes analyzing data that I will actually understand.
I know I’ve complained about the math classes but I have really learned something. We (my graduate advisor and I) have to do some magic but I will make it through and I do understand at some level the work we are doing. Thank you to Michael and Alice and Simon for giving me pep talk/texts/tweets when I needed them and thank you to Elyse and Madison for always being there. Actually, my colleagues in class have been amazing. I wish we had worked more structurally in groups but that may have been on me as I’m not available that much to be on campus and this is not the kind of thing you can video chat about.
A few more weeks and then it’s summer. Here is my commitment. I am going to make this look a little more like summer should look. I’m going to swim, get some sun and recharge.
Oh and I finally saw The Greatest Showman and I loved it. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat and Hugh Jackman liked one of my tweets about it. I have many political goals for the May 22 to July 30 time period, but my real goal (JK) is to get a Greatest Showman Sing Along at the Fox Theater in Atlanta! One step at a time.
Now it’s back to work because I’m seeing my tutor today.