Done, but not finished–My kinda midterms!
There’s a big story going on in the background of my life that I can’t talk about for legal reasons, but I can assure you I am holding up to my “stress magnet” moniker. However, I finished my exam and for the first time in 6 math exams since I’ve been in grad school (three midterms and three finals), I feel good about it. Did I get all the math right? Probably not. I did check and double check and triple check, but if I laid it out wrong in the first place–it’s going to be wrong along–but—-I explained the results right. And that’s the point of this class. At least, this is my story and I’m sticking to it.
If I did worse than I think, I’ll be working on this class through the summer and I will finish it. But let’s not think about that now. I’ll think about it tomorrow at Tara!
So here’s the plan, I’m reworking my last homework assignment and the goal is to get it to my professor by 7 pm tomorrow and then I can finish everything, pass my exam and get a grade. A “C” will be fine. And if you are out there, I’m begging you for a “C.”