I’m a Hopeless Romantic
I woke up the Monday after Thanksgiving to the news that Prince Harry is engaged to Meghan Markle and it made me smile. For two reasons, maybe more. First, I’m a hopeless romantic and believe in the institution of marriage. I highly recommend it. It’s not perfect but the peace that comes from a good marriage (which takes a lot of work) is worth every good and bad day. Second, I love weddings and as a bit of an anglophile, I’ll be up before dawn to watch this one. And you gotta love the wedding is in the Spring. Those royals know how to have short engagements.
Even better than a royal wedding announcement, I got the path of my paper in legislative process clear in my mind. I have this way of doing things where I think about them, mull them over, contemplate them and then–finally–an “aha!” moment comes. It came to me at about 4 am this morning.
So what does the week look like? Lots of work for my Senator. Then evenings doing my last math homework, planning the attack of studying for the final, preparing a presentation of my paper to class on Thursday and then the last day of class. My exam period for math is practically the last one of the semester, but I’m happy about that and my paper is not due until the 14th of December.
Had a great Thanksgiving weekend and now it’s a sprint until the end of the semester with a little Hallmark Channel romance sprinkled in.
Happy Monday!