It’s Starting—Getting Ready for Semester 2
Okay, I know I sounded upbeat and together in the last post, but truth be told, I’m up in the middle of the night searching for syllabi for the two classes I’m taking next semester.
I’ve got a half a work day tomorrow, visiting the Hindu temple in Lilburn and then counting down the hours til my grandkids get here.
So, in my search, I found one with 7 books and one “recommended” book to buy and 9 readings for the first class. Most are short articles, but one is a text book. I’m not in Kansas any more. On my second class, I haven’t found the syllabus so I emailed the professor to ask if there were reading to complete before the first class. I’m hoping her phone is on silent–or she will hate me come the first day of class. Those darn dings in the night will drive you crazy.
Seriously, I know a lot of people put their phones on silent at night, but what if there an emergency and someone has to call you. I’ve gotten one of those 2 AM calls before and they are never good news.
I’m off the the races. Organizing reading for the first class and figuring out the second class. I’m ready to rock and roll.