Spring Time…
It’s a relatively easy semester. My daughter is getting married at the end of May and I only took one class this semester because I know there will be lots for me to do as the MOB (Mother of the Bride). My professor, Susan Haire is a very good teacher and we found out we both went to DeKalb County High Schools at about the same time. She went to Lakeside and I went to Columbia. Just saying that match up of schools brings back so many memories of the mid-1970s.
I’m by far the oldest person in the class but I really love interacting with these 20 somethings. I am learning from them and I hope they are learning from me. They are great about helping me out where I am weak (methods) and I help them where I am strong (public speaking and presentation). It’s works.
I’m projecting to that day in December when I will get my Masters Degree. I decided that a PhD would be a stretch to far and my Dean said, “Martha, you have a practical PhD!” So I’m going with that. My hope is to teach a few sections of American Government somewhere or to do some guest lecturing on the real world of politics.
So on to Spring Time!