Thank you! A Look at Asking for Help…
My daughter is at the Southeastern Theater Conference this weekend auditioning. I say this to say, musical theater has been a big part of our lives. My sisters and I would dance for our parents on Saturday night. Pam would do the choreography and since she was a dance school diva, we had one costume to share. So, my sister, Linda, would wear the costume and I would wear the headdress. My brother, Frank, was the light man with the family flashlight. My parents thought we were the most talented children in the world. One of our favorite musicals was “West Side Story” and the song we would always perform was “The Quintet.” It had something for everyone. We did this play in high school and last night as I was flipping around, I found “West Side Story” on TCM at just the perfect moment in the movie, “The Quintet!” I think it was a sign. A sign that everything would be alright for me, the family and for Suzanne’s auditions.
I say all that to say this–I’m feeling better today. I am not the best a reaching out for help. I am very independent and can get most things done on my own. In fact, twenty-five percent of me is usually as good as 100% of anyone else–usually. But with the volume in our office and the work that I have to do at school, I need help. And yesterday, I reached out and got some amazing answers back. I’ve got two calls set up with people who can help me sort out my paper foundation and got two very detailed emails back from people with great ideas on topics and data.
I’m getting up this morning with a new focus on work and school. Thank you!