Typical Saturday and Go Dawgs!
I was going to spend the day with my best friend in the mountains. I had a morning speaking engagement with the Union County GOP giving an update on the Trump transition, then we were going to enjoy the mountains. On about Tuesday of this week, I started having a panic attack–and it wasn’t the smoke or the drought. How was I going to do everything I usually do and get my final papers, literature review and study for my exam?
So, I texted my friend and told her between the smoke and my projects, I don’t think I can spend the day in the mountains on Saturday. Thankfully, she said she’d been reading the blog and knew what I’d been up to. I promised her we’d get together over the holidays and invited her to bake on December 10. Thank you, Karin!
I got up about 6 am and got ready to go to Suches. I just asked if they would have coffee there and I’d be fine. Got there and it was raining! We haven’t had rain in over 30 days and I didn’t think this rain would last until the meeting was over (it didn’t), but I was happy about it.
Spent the time driving home in the car returning calls–thank you hands free bluetooth. Didn’t have too many drops going over the mountains so it was productive. My favorite kind of days.
Got home about 11 am. Made “Monkey Bread” for my GRSP student and visited with my husband for a few minutes and then got to work. I’m making progress on my papers, but it is agonizing. It’s not the content, the notes or the thought process–it’s the process of citing the work. I know I need to become proficient in one of the citation services we can use through the library–maybe I’ll work on that this afternoon–but I’m thinking I need a refresher on doing this the old fashioned way first. That way, when I start using the cloud version of this stuff, I’ll understand the process.
Maybe, I’m making this too hard. Well the Dawgs are winning, it’s half time and I need to get back to work.