Monday, Monday
One of my favorite “records” of all time, “If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears–The Mamas and Papas.” I know every song on this record backwards and forwards. This song, was done by the Mamas and Papas and the Cowsills. One of the family bands of the 60s and 70s.
So why “Monday, Monday?” I had a holiday from work today. It was Columbus Day (observed). Columbus Day actually falls on October 12, but it is one of the Monday holidays now. I used the day off from work to catch up on my reading and start thinking about the writing I needed to do this semester.
I scheduled an appointment with one of my professors for before class and then the other after class. We are fleshing out the idea for what’s called my research design and literature review. The beginnings, I hope, of what will be my dissertation for my PhD.
I’m a different kind of grad student. I’ll not likely be a tenure track professor. I’ll be about 62 when I get out of this program, but I’ve always loved to teach and with my background and then the academic credentials to go with it, I ought to be able to lecture or teach in an adjunct or part time position in many colleges and universities. Who knows, I might even be able to teach at my alma mater–The University of Georgia.
After a couple of pages of notes and back and forth with my professors, I’m feeling a little bit better about writing, I think. I am up at 3:30 am writing this, but that’s the way I work. If I wake up and something is on my mind..I get up and take care of it, if I can. If I can’t, then I make a note–usually now on my iPhone and not a notepad next to my bed and take care of it in the morning.
Things always look better in the morning.
And another song from the Mamas and Papas album? “And I woke up this morning, you were on my mind….”