Who Needs Sleep?
I do. But I’m not getting it right now. We are in the final week leading up to the swearing in of the governor of Georgia and every night something wakes me up. Two nights ago, it was how are we getting something to Ft. Benning for the Military Appreciation Breakfast. Last night, it was how are we going to

The Cycle of No Sleep
At different times in my life I’ve been an insomniac. Maybe that’s not the correct word. So I am not unable to sleep but I get into these cycles where I got to bed at a useful hour (9:30 to 11 pm) and I wake up at 2 am or so and don’t go back to sleep for a couple

I Knew It Would Happen….
The plan was to take a few days to just be working and spending a little time with my husband. So I did that. Now it’s time to get back to work in the student/grad school way. I work all the time. I was going to get up early and spend the first couple of hours of the morning downloading