I Can’t Wait!
It’s almost back to school time and I’m not taking any math! Not forever, I do still have to fix that pesky problem from Fall of 2017, but no math for the Fall Semester! I haven’t been writing much this summer, but I will after classes start on the 13th of August. Until then, I’m #TeamKemp and getting the vote

Knee Surgery, Yikes!
I had knee surgery Thursday. I had a torn meniscus but when the surgeon got in there he fixed the tear but found that my knee is a lot worse off than the MRI showed. Basically, I need both knees replaced. So, I asked him to send the reports to my doctor husband and when I do my follow up

Done! For the 1st Semester!
I don’t know what my grades will be yet, but I’m finished with all the work for my two classes. I feel pretty good but I still have that wake up call of a midterm looming that might impact my grade. But I really feel good about it. I made it through the assignments. Stayed up to date with my