There’s a Theme Here….
I often use the hashtag #worklifebalance in my tweets and on Facebook and that is what I am all about. I am a stress magnet and probably this adventure into grad school is the best example of that. I keep telling myself I just need to get through the end of April…about 30+ days from now. But I had ALOT

Talked to a Friend….
There really aren’t many people you can call friend in your life. There are two women from my childhood I can call on anytime–and I mean anytime–and they will be there. There are a couple of very strong women and men I can call on most any time. My husband is the best friend I have. He loves me and

A Week in the Life of a Returning Grad Student
Any chance I get, I love to insert The Beatles or Paul McCartney into the discussion. My two sisters got to see The Beatles at Atlanta stadium in 1965 and I’ve seen Paul McCartney several times over the years culminating with taking my whole extended family to the Paul McCartney concert at Piedmont Park in 2009. It was the last