January 13th, 2018

I Have Recovered….Mentally

I’ve been sick as a dawg all week.  First, my beloved Dawgs lost in a heartbreaker! Then, I’ve had a hacking cough all week. I took a sick day. The highpoint of the week was the my first day of class.  Not the classroom–it was from the 1970s. The University of Georgia has spent millions of dollars all over campus but I think they forgot this one classroom. But, since I was at UGA in the 70s, I felt right at home. Next week, we’ll be in a different classroom.

I talked with my graduate advisor and after consulting with the Dean, also, I’m going to pursue a Masters instead of a PhD. With my work experience, campaign and candidate experience, I can do everything I want to do with a Masters degree. I feel good.  I’ll have to retake the math class from last semester but overall, my time in school will be a bit streamlined.

I seek people out when I have a problem to deal with. I find the best people, that know the most about what I have a problem with and get their advice.  I learned very early, that most people really want to help and if you ask them nicely, they will. Open-ended questions…that is the key. Ken Stanford, the New Director “emeritus” at my first radio station, taught me that.

Thankfully, I got honest advice on my strengths and weaknesses and good options!  Hooray! I am giving 150%–that should count for something.

This weekend, I’m going to recover physically. Attend a meeting or two. Watch my Falcons. Do my homework. That’s a plan.