July 9th, 2024

All Governments End in Failure: Why Are We Surprised?

There were elections in Argentina last fall and a Libertarian, Javier Millei, was elected. He’s a free market capitalist and very different from how Argentines voted historically. As a backdrop to this, other countries are voting in very conservative leaders. But is this a move to conservatism or just a move away from what they’ve been doing? All governments end in

June 5th, 2024

Love and Loss

My sweet mother in law went to be with the Lord last month. She’d been suffering with dementia for several years and really hasn’t been herself for a long part of that. A couple of months ago, we noticed she was slowing down. She was almost 92 afterall, but she was a mover. She was always busy doing something. In

April 4th, 2024

A Different Side to Donald Trump

One of the best things I do is work for a family owned media company in a small to mid-sized market and we do something no one does today in a market our size—have 24 hour news. I’ve been blessed to have been given my start here and have come back here in the final years of my career to