Back to School
As I was driving to work this AM, there was line of cars outside of the local middle school. I couldn’t help but think these parents are very happy to be going back to school. I think the parents are as happy as the students. Then I thought, “I am going back to class on Wednesday!” Hooray! I’m already getting

I’m taking the month of May off from data collection for my final paper next semester. I’ll work some over the summer and then will have my final classes next semester. Life is good. I’m starting to feel normal again and I hope we will be able to really look at what has happened over the last few months and

School’s Out For Summer….
School’s out forever…as the Alice Cooper song says. When will we get back to normal? I’m not sure we ever will but I will be working on the data set for my paper over the summer and completing my Masters degree this Fall. I can’t wait. I can tell you my 6 year old grandson is bummed there’s no t-ball