Love and Loss
My sweet mother in law went to be with the Lord last month. She’d been suffering with dementia for several years and really hasn’t been herself for a long part of that. A couple of months ago, we noticed she was slowing down. She was almost 92 afterall, but she was a mover. She was always busy doing something. In
School’s Out For Summer….
School’s out forever…as the Alice Cooper song says. When will we get back to normal? I’m not sure we ever will but I will be working on the data set for my paper over the summer and completing my Masters degree this Fall. I can’t wait. I can tell you my 6 year old grandson is bummed there’s no t-ball
Happy New Year!
I’ve taken a few days completely off–well if chasing a 3 year old and a 14 month old around is off, then I was off. I understand why you have children when you are young because it’s exhausting when you’re my age. I’m ready with the syllabus from one class and the syllabus from the other class will be out