I turned in my draft and some of the data and now I’m waiting for the notes. So keep you fingers crossed for me. Finally, I was able to get someone from NRCC to get some analysis on the 2020 election as it relates to women running for Congress. I believe they will follow up. We are getting ready for

A New Plan
On one of my favorite shows, Friends, there was a great episode after Monica and Richard broke up (don’t even get me started on that one) about Monica having a new plan. In her case it was a plan to get over her man, “and what’s the opposite of man—JAM!” But in my case, it’s how do I get to

I Have Recovered….Mentally
I’ve been sick as a dawg all week. First, my beloved Dawgs lost in a heartbreaker! Then, I’ve had a hacking cough all week. I took a sick day. The highpoint of the week was the my first day of class. Not the classroom–it was from the 1970s. The University of Georgia has spent millions of dollars all over campus