Getting Ready for Research Methods
As you know, I felt lousy about how I did on my midterm in Research Methods. I’ll find out tomorrow how it went. Actually, I might not find out. I’m told it might take a couple of weeks to get the papers back. Everyone says, I couldn’t have done as bad as I think I did, but we shall see.

It’s a Brand New Day
I’m mostly a positive and upbeat person. Ready to take on the day. But also, I’m as hard on myself as anyone could be. Anyone who has worked with me knows I am the best at beating myself up. I call it the “little fat girl” in my head. She keeps telling me I’m not smart enough, that people will

An Apple for the Teacher
So, one of my classes, research methods, is in the Psychology building. The Psych and Journalism buildings are the ugliest ones on campus, but I was a Journalism student in the 70s and now have a class in the Psych building this year. I have fond memories and it’s nice to have a post-modern classroom. All the rooms have whiteboards