Prepping for Next Semester
Yes, I think about things in terms of semesters–since 2016, anyway. I started this journey two year ago and I have three semesters left. I’ve taken this semester off to work full time on the Brian Kemp for Governor campaign and I’m thinking my advisor should give me some credit for this. I’ll ask! I’ll be back to writing regularly

It’s Been a Great, Wild Week
Can we use the word “great” any more? If not, it is very sad. One of my favorite movies of recent years is “The Greatest Showman,” so if I can’t celebrate being the “greatest,” that would be sad. This is a discussion for another time. I’m using a beautiful shot of the Morgan County Courthouse in Georgia by Diane Webb.

Time Change
This has been the best and worst semester. I love class and being with my colleagues. I love being on campus but the workload and my motivation coefficient has been lacking. I’m just flat exhausted. I always like to have solutions, so here it is. I will get through the math homework somehow this week. I’m off on Friday and