Pretty Good First Week
I’m not completely overwhelmed. Since I’ve been in the methods/math phase of my degree where I have at least one class that it mostly math I haven’t had since 1975, I’m always stressed out. Teamwork is the key. In the second class, I had a tutor and in this class, we have a study group. I’m feeling better all the

Who Needs Sleep?
I do. But I’m not getting it right now. We are in the final week leading up to the swearing in of the governor of Georgia and every night something wakes me up. Two nights ago, it was how are we getting something to Ft. Benning for the Military Appreciation Breakfast. Last night, it was how are we going to

Counting Down, But to What?
There are so many things I’m counting down. I’m working on the Georgians First Committee, I’m counting down to January 14th. I’m counting down to the start of school for the Spring semester, January 9th. I can’t wait to get back! And, of course, the Hallmark Channel’s Countdown to Christmas! I love those movies because they put me in a