To the Rescue!
As I was about to pull my hair out, I decided to call my best friend in the program about methods. As always, she helps me come up with a plan. I’m the now 58 year old second year grad student (sorta second year, since I’m going part time) and she’s the 20 year old over achieving undergrad doing a dual bachelor’s and master’s degree. We are the odd couple.
I’ll meet with her after 5 tomorrow and we’ll be sure we are prepared for the homework. I have a family reunion of sorts this weekend and since there are three math and science heads in our group, I’m tempted to have them compete to do my homework. Would that violate the honor code? Probably, maybe they can just help me.
This weekend, I worked Friday night on math homework (I really don’t know what to call it–political analysis, math, methods–I’ll work that out) and then committed to take Saturday and half the day Sunday for family. It’s all about planning and then be back at it from about 4 pm til Game of Thrones tonight. I’m no good after 10 pm either, but I’m thinking I will have a few late nights this semester. Hey, don’t judge me, you have to know your boundaries.
I’ve got problems to finish for Wednesday, reading for Wednesday and questions and readings for Thursday. I think I’ll be ready for the beach by this weekend. Oh, and I have a full time job, too.