I made it through today and it had nothing to do with the election. My group got together, met and organized and presented our critique of a published paper today. Gotta admit, I was a little nervous.
While I’m staying mostly politics free, I can’t ignore I was on campus the day after Donald J. Trump was projected to be the 45th President of the United States. People were stunned and it showed on their faces. We talked a little about it, very little.
Met up in the library about an hour before class and reviewed the powerpoint and made sure everyone was clear on what to do. Then we headed down the hill to class. We decided not to go first, even though I usually like to go first. (Nothing to compare to, yikes!) I was a little intimidated with the first presentation. Very technical wording. I’m still not comfortable with the lingo, but I’m a good communicator and I decided to just go with what I had prepared.
After the break, it was our turn and everything went well. The paper was about TV ads run ahead of the Texas governor’s primary in 2006 in behalf of Rick Perry. One of the group members suggested actually playing the ad. Doing that was a stroke of genius because it’s Rick Perry, a great Governor of Texas, nice looking guy and a little stiff. Remember “Dancing with the Stars” in 2016? And it made people laugh.
I was probably a little colloquial and not very scientific in my presentation but I think it was engaging and the professor said, “Great job!” Whew! That’s over.
Now I’ll watch a little Younger TV tonight and then it’s full time on the writing projects I have–other than this blog.
It’s all gonna be OK!