The Greatest Political Comeback
Donald Trump and his perseverance has orchestrated the greatest comeback in modern politcal history. Here’s a fantastic interactive tool to show how completely Donald Trump won this election. He won people over on the issues. There are three things that lead to this comeback nationally and in Georgia. First, the total embrace by Donald Trump and his campaign and surrogates of early

A Different Side to Donald Trump
One of the best things I do is work for a family owned media company in a small to mid-sized market and we do something no one does today in a market our size—have 24 hour news. I’ve been blessed to have been given my start here and have come back here in the final years of my career to

Donald Trump and the 40% Problem
Many Republicans are saying it is time for Nikki Haley to move aside. I’m going to make the case why she shouldn’t. Roughly 4 in 10 Republican primary voters are choosing someone other than Donald Trump. He’s basically an incumbent and a 60/40 win should worry his supporters and his team. Digging a little deeper and looking at the number