I Got a 4!
Got my homework assignment number 12 back and I got a 4. I guess I was saving the best for last. Actually, we got a 4. That’s because some amazing women and my sweet husband helped me study and get those answers. I really want to thank everyone for their support. All semester long, it has been building to this final exam. It’s paper and pencil. Not that many questions but lots of parts to the questions. “Breadcrumbs on the trail,” he called them.
So here’s the plan for the rest of the week through next Wednesday. Tonight, I got organized. Got all the personal stuff out of the way so that I could study the rest of the week. Tuesday through Friday evenings, I’m planning to review the textbook, review the homework assignments and examples for the last class and then work on my paper. My grandkids are coming late Friday night and staying through Saturday, so unless my 4 year old grandson turns out to be some kind of genius in Calculus, I’m not studying again until Sunday night.
Then Sunday night through Wednesday at exam time, it’s rinse and repeat on the list above and put together the sheet I am allowed to take into the exam. It has to be enough time, cause that’s all I have!
I spent the weekend in NYC with my daughter for her 26th birthday. It was almost perfect. She was missing her boyfriend who was halfway around the world on a trip of his own and that put a little damper on it. Oh, to be young and in love. She’s a communicator like I am and we need that interaction. It took my husband a while to figure that out and he gets it right most of the time.
Life is difficult even when your Georgia Bulldawgs are the SEC Champs.