February 17th, 2018

It’s Getting Better All The Time

There seems to be a theme here–life is very busy. But am I too busy. That’s the place I usually get to in my life. I think I’m here. I met with the Dean and the head of the Applied Politics program last week and I’ve finally decided that’s where I want to end up. It won’t be about money at that point but it will be about being with young people, giving them a real view of the world.

I believe there are strengths and weaknesses to every characteristic.  A good side and a bad side if you will. The good side to me being a “stress magnet” is a meet new people, think about new things and always, always look to the future. Whatever happens, I know I can get up tomorrow and start over if need be. I guess you could call it “half full.” (My husband is “half empty” and together we make a full glass–but that’s a story for another post.) The bad side to that is sometimes I have so much “opportunity” going on, I go over the cliff without watching.

I’m in one of those pull back phases.  I have 3 goals for this year.  First, get through my current math class with a good enough grade to make a decision on how I’m going to fix that debacle of a math class from last semester.  Second, get my personal life organized in a better way.  Sometimes technology makes things worse. Finally, get back to people and have more time for relationships. I need less clutter in my life.

But school is going well.  I have a tutor for Math this semester and she is a wonderful teacher.  It’s making all the difference in the world.  The midterm is in 10 days—that will be the test.