October 25th, 2016

Just Another Manic Monday!

I could use so many song references here.  The Beatles, “A Day in the Life,” with the lyric, “…woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head…,” or The Bangles, “Just Another Manic Monday.” It was that kind of day.

Work was very busy with Monday calls, getting everyone up to date, updating from the weekend. Then, I headed to Athens for my Monday evening class.  The readings were really great this week and since this is mainly a discussion class, it was a perfect ending to a long day.

On top of all that, though, I’m sick.  I’ve got some sort of sinus thing going on and you’d think living with a doctor would protect me, but alas, the general response is something along the lines of “put a Band-Aid on it.”

My daughter came home tonight and we’re going to vote early tomorrow.  I have a sneaking suspicion we will be cancelling each other out, but that’s a discussion for another day.

Tomorrow night, I’ll get ready for Research Methods and fine tune my “one-pager” from last week.

I’ll keep you posted.