December 21st, 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I’ve come down off my disappointment–or should that be up from my disappointment?  Thankfully, I’ve had enough ups and downs in life that I know how I handle it.  I didn’t pass my 7012 math class but I have talked to the graduate coordinator and the professor and I have a path forward.  Life lesson: all ways look for the positive and then try to make it happen.  You have to accept failure–or a D–and then figure out how to move forward and I have.

I’ll be taking the next class in the series next semester and then repeat 7012 in the fall. It’s that simple.  I will be having a few meetings to try a couple of other options after the new year but if I’m successful at those it will be getting an exception.  I know it’s a longshot.  I know what the worst case scenario is and I know what I’m hoping for and I’m prepared for both. What more can I ask for.

Prepare ye the way of the Lord! Unto us a Child is born.

That will be my focus for the next week or so and I will be still and listen to what God wants me to do.

Have a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.  It’s gonna be a great 2018!