August 30th, 2018

The Ultimate Work Study…For Politicos

As you know, I’ve been working on my graduate degree in Political Science with an emphasis on American Politics since Fall of 2016. I am continuing it, but taking this semester off. I’ve been offered and accepted a position with the Kemp for Governor campaign. I’ve known Brian Kemp for almost 20 years. I’ve believed he should run for governor long before he announced and I’m proud to be working for him.

The experience I’ve had with Sen. Perdue’s office has been amazing. I looking forward to helping him get reelected in 2020.

So, about a month ago, I spoke with my advisor, the dean and my favorite professor and let them know I needed to take the semester off.  After we checked into it, we found out that I could as long as I take classes next semester and in the Summer of 2019. The challenge is there aren’t any graduate classes offered in the summer, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. I’m exploring some kind of directed study for the summer semester where I can write and do research.

So tomorrow morning, I’ll be going to the beach with my grandkids and kids and then I’ll hit the ground running on Tuesday until election day. Then we’ll see what happens. Until then, go to and read up on the 4 point plan and I hope you will decide to vote for Brian Kemp.

I will be blogging here about life on the campaign trail and how it will relate to my studies when I return. Have a great Labor Day Weekend!