Work and Study: Elections Conference
The prof I have for U. S. Presidents and one of the more senior faculty have a regular recap of elections. I’m not sure how many times they’ve done it, but I think I was several. Originally, the thought was it would be a look at a historic Hillary Clinton presidency. However, the results came out differently and they had

Workin’ and Practicin’
Today was supposed to be a class day. I met with my professor on Monday, got my research design worked out and today we were going to split up in groups and talk about the right way to write a paper. I was prepared. What’s the old saying about the best laid plans? Side note: I work more than full

Feeling Back on Track
Got to campus early for class and met with my research methods professor. Got my research design framework straightened out and talked a little. Then had plenty of time to walk across north campus and get to Peabody Hall for American Politics. This week was really good. I recognized several of the authors from other readings we’ve done. I’m starting