Back in Class
I’m in my final two semesters till I graduate. I have made a lot of changes. First, I was planning to do a PhD, but honestly, once I got into it, I wasn’t sure I would live long enough to finish. Thankfully, the new Dean of SPIA, Matthew Auer, said, “Martha, you have a practical PhD, you could just do a Master’s degree.” So that’s what I’m doing. I’m studying American Politics and my paper for gradation is about women’s electoral success in the GOP. We have work to do.
I could have finished this semester, but this election cycle if very busy and as luck would have it, there were 225+ GOP women who ran in primaries for the U. S. Congress (a record number) and 50+ made it to the general election. That will provide me a new and fresh dataset to use in my paper so it made sense to put this off one more semester. So wish me luck!
I’ve loved being back in class. I went in person the first week and then by Zoom the second week and in person is definitely better and I will try to keep that up.
Life is good.