March 25th, 2018

A Little Bit of a Break

I spent the weekend in Pelham, Georgia with students from the Georgia Rotary Scholarship Program (GRSP).  I’m a Rotarian and a trustee for the program.  I chaperoned a group of 28 students on a bus from Atlanta to Pelham. This kids were from over a dozen countries and are attending colleges (including my beloved UGA) around Georgia.  It was refreshing

October 25th, 2017

I Really Want to Go Back to Scotland

We loved Scotland.  My husband’s first trip out of the country, except for a cruise to the Bahamas and a trip to Acapulco in college, was our 25th wedding anniversary trip to Scotland.  That was a golfing vacation for him and for me it was a vacation to be with him.  You see, I like my husband and we love

August 20th, 2017

The First Cut Is the Deepest

I’m using my Sunday night for many things.  Let’s back up.  I spent part of the weekend with my Rotarian colleagues in Bainbridge, Georgia at the GRSP Conclave. I have an scholarship student from Scotland and I’m also a volunteer trustee for the program which gives me responsibility for another student from Denmark. My husband had an emergency at home