October 18th, 2016

The Countdown to Midterms

Spent Monday evening on campus and then studied with the youngest student in my classes after that.  The young woman is a second year student at UGA, so an undergrad, a sophomore in the lingo of yesterday.  She’s already taking graduate level classes. She’s very smart and organized which is great for me. We spent some time theorizing on what

October 17th, 2016

Right Up My Alley…

Loved the reading in American Politics 6100 for today. We are reading David Mayhew’s “Congress: The Electoral Connection.” I got a later edition, so it had an introduction with some analysis and an update from Mayhew.  Then we read a couple of journal articles using Mayhew’s concept. Mayhew basically argues, backed up by visits with many members of Congress and

October 16th, 2016

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

It started out as a normal weekend.  Saturday was lovely, just as I had planned.  Some meetings in the morning and then off to the UGA-Vandy Game.  While the people around us were wonderful, we didn’t win.  As one person said, “The smart boys beat the dumbbells.”  Not a fair comparison, but it was out there. Then Caroline, my GRSP