March 29th, 2017

I Said It Outloud…

I was leaving class with one of my friends on Monday night and I said it outloud.  I told him, I didn’t know if I would get my research papers done on time.  With work and family–mainly work–my schedule was getting derailed. He was encouraging, mainly because he’s unsure, too.  It wasn’t quite “misery loves company” but you get the idea.

March 24th, 2017

There’s a Theme Here….

I often use the hashtag #worklifebalance in my tweets and on Facebook and that is what I am all about. I am a stress magnet and probably this adventure into grad school is the best example of that.  I keep telling myself I just need to get through the end of April…about 30+ days from now. But I had ALOT

March 22nd, 2017

Managing the Piles of Stuff

When I was a buyer at Rich’s–BC (before computers).  It wasn’t totally before.  We had a fax machine on the 5th floor in the other building and a big, honkin’, green screen computer on each of our desks.  It was basically a giant calculator with no connection to the interwebs. In those days,  my attempts to organize consisted of piles on my