December 31st, 2017

…And a Happy New Year

I enjoy this time of year.  It’s so full of hope and in this phase of my life–new textbooks. I received the first one in the mail today for my next class in the math series.  And the other one, I’m trying electronically. I’m not really sure if “textbooks” per se are the best for math classes–being in class and

December 21st, 2017

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I’ve come down off my disappointment–or should that be up from my disappointment?  Thankfully, I’ve had enough ups and downs in life that I know how I handle it.  I didn’t pass my 7012 math class but I have talked to the graduate coordinator and the professor and I have a path forward.  Life lesson: all ways look for the

December 18th, 2017


That’s all I need to say.  I’ll have more to say later.  I am disappointed in myself.