November 18th, 2016

Working for the Weekend

I’m finally making some progress on my papers.  On Wednesday in Research Methods, half the class made presentations of their research design papers.  I usually am the one that likes to go first, but I’ve been really unsure about what is expected in this class–not because the prof isn’t clear, but because I’m still learning the lingo–so I thought I’d

November 16th, 2016

Bit by Bit…Putting it Together

And the best thing about being a grad student so far…tonight…is I joined Apple Music for only 5 bucks a month.  I love Apple Music. The real best thing(s) about being in grad school is the learning, the people, the access to the library and the challenge. If you haven’t figured out by now, I have old and quirky music

November 13th, 2016

It’s a Balancing Act

I’m a stress magnet.  Always have been.  My husband and I are nearing a new phase in our life and we can see the light at the end of the tunnel that will open it up for us. I’m working full time. I’m going to school part time, but I’m a wife, mother, grandmother, friend, too. And I’m about to